Unsilent Women

Write your wishes — writer discipline, stick-to-it-ness and a little magic, with Marissa Stapley

Poorva Miller Season 1 Episode 16

The writer's journey is long, serpentine and lonely. No one really becomes a writer. You simply write. If you love it  and you write long enough there might be a future in the books. But what happens when rejection is name of the game, book-deals aren't written in stone and  writers see dreams evaporate in a puff of smoke?

Marissa Stapley is an internationally bestselling author of four novels. Her latest novel Lucky, debuted this year and was optioned for television by Disney Studios. Marissa has walked the walk when it comes to growing as a writer. She shares her journey of going from a writer with a dream to published novelist. We talk lessons, resilient moments and even a little bit of magic.